
For Stroke Survivors and Caregivers

When you take your first recovery steps in S3, you will undergo an initial assessment with our physical and occupational therapists. Different health components will be evaluated so that we can better understand your rehabilitation needs.

Our therapists and social workers will review your medical history, conditions, and the services that you have received. We seek to know more about your experiences and lifestyle with stroke.


Our occupational therapists will appraise your home environment and the various types of care equipment you are using (eg. wheelchairs, walking sticks). We will find out the level of assistance that you need to carry out your roles and responsibilities well.

Our social workers will examine your feelings and thoughts about your post-stroke condition. They will look at how a stroke has impacted your life and your social interactions with your loved ones. Suffering a stroke is stressful and our social workers can help you better cope with its financial and emotional outcomes. 

After the review by our therapists and social workers, you will undergo a physical assessment conducted by our physiotherapists and trainers. They will ascertain your general strength, mobility, and functional capabilities.

Upon completion of your assessment, our team will discuss with you and your family about your goals and treatment plan. We will recommend the types and frequency of services that you are best suited for. Caregiver and transport arrangements can be made.

An initial assessment will take about 1 hour. 

Contact us at 6473 3500 (Hotline), 8062 6690 (Hotline) or info@s3.org.sg now to make an appointment!


S3 Brochure
The simple doesn't need to be impossible
A1 9 steps prevent stroke Outreach Poster
  • S3 @ Enabling Village:
    Stroke Support Station, 20 Lengkok Bahru, #01-04, Singapore 159053

  • S3 @ Jurong Point and S3 Active Ageing Centre (AAC Care):
    1 Jurong West Central 2 Community Hub #06-01 Jurong Point Shopping Centre Singapore 648886

  • T +65 6473 3500

  • E info@s3.org.sg

  • Opening Hours Mon-Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm

  • Stroke Support Station is a member of the World Stroke Organization (WSO).