
For Stroke Survivors and Caregivers

Recovery after a stroke can be challenging, but technology offers new hope.  At S3, we use cutting-edge, tech-enhanced rehabilitation equipment to help you regain more than just functional abilities -- we want to help you regain confidence, too.

Explore the videos below to see these tools in action! To learn more about what types of therapy best utilise these equipment, click here


1. Exoskeleton

2. ArmMotus M2 Pro

3. Amadeo

4. EvolvRehab


Our therapists create customised training plans for each individual using these technologies. Contact us at 6473 3500 or info@s3.org.sg to learn more!


S3 Brochure
The simple doesn't need to be impossible
A1 9 steps prevent stroke Outreach Poster
  • A Stroke Support Station, 20 Lengkok Bahru, #01-04, Singapore 159053

  • T +65 6473 3500

  • E info@s3.org.sg

  • Opening Hours Mon-Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm